Shop Paradise Dragona at The Poké Court!
Updated 9/13/2024
Paradise Dragona has been released! Check out the Top 12 cards from the set or the full list of Secret Rares.

Releasing in Japan on September 13, 2024, Paradise Dragona is the seventh Japanese subset from the Pokémon TCG: Scarlet & Violet era. Combined with Supercharged Breaker, it is the Japanese equivalent to the English expansion set, Surging Sparks.
Like it says on the tin, (and perhaps as a nod to 2024 being the Year of Dragon in the Lunar calendar), Paradise Dragona is all about dragon-type (plus some other-type) Pokémon and the trainers who love them! If your favorite dragon Pokémon didn’t make the cut for Dragon Majesty or Dragon Storm back in Sun & Moon times, here’s to hoping you’ll find it in this one. 🐉
Paradise Dragona continues to feature Stellar Tera Pokémon ex cards that were introduced in the previous set, Stellar Miracle. Summer vibes are also strong in this set’s card illustrations, hopefully as a fond farewell to summer and a hello to fall weather because it’s feels like Torkoal's been using 🔥 Heat Wave 🔥 here in NYC all season.
The full card list for Paradise Dragona isn't available yet, but we've compiled the Secret Rares that have been revealed so far.
🎨 Fun Fact: The artist for the Clobbopus Art Rare, USGMEN, also illustrated the bubble Mew Special Art Rare from Shiny Treasure / Paldean Fates. I'd also recommend checking out their Instagram for super cute Pokémon animations!

Shop Paradise Dragona booster boxes and booster packs at The Poké Court! Prefer English cards? Find the English versions of Paradise Dragona cards in Surging Sparks.